Gate of Tears - Synopsis

Star Trek Voyager Script:  “Gate of Tears”

Voyager encounters the Gatekeeper, an alien intelligence that controls a vast and ancient network of artificial wormhole Gates which interconnect distant points of the galaxy.   The Gatekeeper agrees to allow Voyager to pass through its network, on the promise that it not reveal the Gates to anyone else, or take anyone else through them.  At a juncture between two Gates, Voyager encounters warships of the Restored Klingon Empire, which consists of human-looking Klingons.  Captain Janeway presses  B'ellana Torres to reveal that, during a horrible bout of ethnic cleansing long ago, one Klingon race nearly wiped out another, but a remaining few escaped via the Gate system to re-establish a new empire in the Delta Quadrant.  The Klingons capture Voyager, but through clever deception, the crew regains their freedom and escapes.   En route to the next Gate, they come across a fleet of refugee alien ships, the sole remnants of a once great race that the Klingons have slaughtered.   To save them from certain extinction at the hands of the Klingons, Janeway allows them to follow Voyager through the second Gate. The refugee aliens arrive safely in the Alpha Quadrant, but as punishment for breaking her word to the Gatekeeper, Voyager finds itself back in the Delta Quadrant where they started.

Writer's Note 1:     Although this script concocts a significant episode in Klingon history, I do not believe it contradicts any existing, established histories.  At least, none that have been promulgated in any of the Star Trek television series or films.  I have methodically explained a number of open questions with regard to Klingons that have thus far not been adequately addressed.  I feel confident that I have sufficiently explained why (i) the appearance of the Klingons changed between the original TV series and later TV series and films, (ii) why modern Klingons don't like to talk about the change, and (iii) why some Klingon characters (Kor, Kang and Koloth) have appeared as both types of Klingon.

Writer's Note 2:     I have invented a number of Klingon names and words in this script.  My understanding is that there is an elaborate Klingon language system already established.  I would not object if the invented Klingon words herein were changed to fit any already existing parameters.

Writer's Note 3:     In most cases where I refer to Star-Dates, I have left them blank, because I am not familiar enough with the Star-Date system to fill them in.   However, in Act II, Scene 17, I specifically refer to “the Troyius incident” on Star-Date 4372.5, because this date was referenced in the last aired episode (“Elaan Of Troyius”) of the original Star Trek series to appropriately feature Klingons. 

Required Guest Cast (in order of appearance)
Alien Vendor (male, humanoid)
Gatekeeper (male, human, elderly)
Gurok (male, Klingon captain)
Lortik (male, Klingon commander)
Darket (male, Klingon officer)
Vasquez (male, Voyager crewman)
Q'tarus (male, alien humanoid)
Kesset (male, human Star-Fleet admiral)
Star-Fleet Captain (male, human)

Note: 5 Klingon extras also needed.

Required Non-Standard Sets (in order of appearance)
Alien Market Bazaar
Admiral Kesset's office

Gate of Tears - Teaser


1   EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL)                                    1

Voyager in orbit around Class M planet.

2   INT. MESS HALL                                                    2

Torres and Paris at a table, drinking coffee.

God, this stuff is awful.

What do you want from a replicater?  You're just spoiled by Neelix's coffee.

I guess you really don't know what you have until it's gone.  This stuff definitely needs a Telaxian touch.  No-one can grind a bean like Neelix, that's for sure.  So when are they coming back, anyway?  They've been gone all day now.

I don't know.  I guess they're finding a lot of good bargains down there.  I hope Neelix brings back something new.  His menu hasn't changed in awhile.

I wish I had been selected to go.  I would have missed the Doctor's lecture.

Oh, could you believe that?!  "Curious Critters of the Cosmos - The Interstellar Impact of Insects."  Just what I needed.  Two hours of bug pictures!  How creepy.

It could be a good sign.  Maybe he's running out of material.

Ha! I wish.  With my luck, the Captain will bring back some stupid alien artifact, and the Doctor will concoct a week-long seminar about it.

3   EXT. ALIEN MARKET BAZAAR                                          3

Janeway, Neelix & Seven walking. They carry packages of purchased items.

That last one wasn't so bad, Seven, but you've got to work on being more subtle.  Haggling is more of an art than a science.  You have to dance around a little more before you make an offer.

Dance around?

You know, make small talk, be friendlier.  Try to get a little rapport going with the seller before jumping into the issue of money.  They should think your interest in their wares is little more than curiosity.  You don't want them to know how bad you really need it.  That would give them carte blanche to jack the price into orbit.

I believe my acquisitions have been obtained without undue cost.

Yes, yes.  Like I said, that last trade was pretty good.  A {tech} for five  {tech} wasn't too bad.  Still, I think we could have gotten him down to only four.  At least you didn't threaten to assimilate that last fellow.

You'll get the hang of it, Seven.  There's no better scavenger in the Delta Quadrant than Neelix, so you've got a good teacher. 

Thank you, Captain.  But I prefer the term bargain hunter, if you don't mind.  Scavenger sounds kind of. oh, I don't know, crude.

(jocular) Of course, Neelix. Bargain hunter emeritus.  I meant no offense.

Oh, none taken, Captain.  I just wish we had something to trade which that Ikapian would take for that {tech} of his.  We could really use one of those.

I know Neelix, I know.   We'll have to do without it.  His price was just a little too high for my tastes.

Even higher for mine.  I appreciate your turning down his offer, Captain.  It is a comfort to know you value me more than a {tech} unit.

(jocular) Well, it's not like I didn't think about it for a second.  (sees Seven's glare) Oh lighten up, Seven,  don't worry, I haven't given up.  We'll find something he'll be willing to trade that thing for.

Perhaps he would consider (notices something to side, in one of the vendor's stalls. stops walking, looks at object) A Star-Fleet issue type-{tech} pistol phaser.

A type-{tech} phaser?   They haven't made those in 60 years.  Even if we had one, why would he want (realizes Seven has stopped, and turns) an antique like that.

Janeway and Neelix go to Seven to see what she is looking at.  On a table, amid alien artifacts, is an old style pistol phaser (the type from the original Star Trek series).  Janeway picks it up and examines it.

My God, it is a type-{tech} phaser.  What the hell is this doing in the Delta Quadrant?

Alien vendor approaches.

Lovely, isn't it?  I'm afraid it's not charged, but I assure you, it does work.  Feel free to scan it if you like.  It comes from far across the galaxy, from a race unknown in these parts.  It would make a beautiful addition to any exotic weapons collection.

Where did you get this from?

I acquired it from a Bleckton trader some time ago.  I deal in exotic and antique weapons, so I thought it would make an ornate addition to my shop.  I do have many fine examples of more modern and potent weaponry, if that is your preference.

Our interest in your wares is only casual curiosity.  We do not place high value on it.

Not now, Seven!

Do you know where he got this from?  How did it get to this part of the galaxy?

He said it originally came through the Gate of Tears, long ago. I'm an expert in weapons throughout this quadrant and since I've never seen its like before, I have no reason to doubt his story.

Gate of Tears?  What's that?

It's a portal of some sort.  Not unlike a worm hole, but more stable.  It's probably artificial.  They say it leads to a vast network of other such portals that interconnect distant points in the galaxy.

Could you tell us where to find this gate?  Is it far from here?

Not far. But not close either. It won't do you any good though, if you're looking to go through. No-one's been through the gate in a Phetar's lifetime.

Why not?

I can't say. The Gatekeeper doesn't let anyone through anymore. He doesn't even answer hails anymore.

I'd like to try all the same.  Can you tell us how to get there? 

Maybe. It's been awhile since I thought about it.  I can't seem to remember the coordinates.  Hmmmmmm.

Will buying this help jar your memory? (holds up old phaser) I'll trade you three {tech} for it.

Three, huh? Three will buy you that.   Five will buy you the coordinates, too.

Deal.  (taps com badge) Janeway to Voyager.  Transport five {tech} to my coordinates right away please. (hands data-pad to alien) I assume you can download the Gate's location onto this?

Of course.  As soon as you can deliver  (five {tech} materialize next to Janeway)  Well, well! I wish the delivery service I use was that speedy! (types on data-pad, hands to Janeway) Here you go. It's been a pleasure doing business with you.

Oh, I'm sure it has. (taps com badge) Janeway to Voyager. Three to beam up.  Prepare to leave orbit. (to alien) You understand that if these coordinates are phony, we'll be back.

They'll get you there, Captain

Say, why do they call it the Gate of Tears anyway?

Because, my friend, they say that hell itself awaits on the other side.

OFF Crew's concerned expressions as they dematerialize.

END OF Teaser

Gate of Tears - Act One


4   EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL)                                    4

At warp speed.

Captain's Log, Supplemental.  We are nearing the coordinates provided to us during our stopover on Miricon Prime. I  hope that a stable worm hole which could possibly get us back to the Alpha Quadrant is really there. 

5   INT. Bridge                                                       5

We are approaching the coordinates, Captain.  Long range sensors detect nothing unusual in the vicinity.

Not even a wild goose flapping around out there, eh Tuvok?  Thank goodness for low expectations.  Oh well, it was worth a look.  Keep scanning.

Do you think we should go back to Miricon and get those {tech} units back?

I don't think it's worth it.  We've already wasted three days coming here.  At least we're not too far off our intended course.  If we go back, we lose at least six days.  I don't think five {tech} units are worth that.  Besides, our friend has probably already folded his tent and moved on.

Well, let's make a thorough sweep of the area, just to be sure.  Maybe we (alarm chirps from Kim's panel)  Ensign, what have you got?

(checking panel) I'm not sure, Commander.  I looks like we're being scanned, but I can't tell from where.

It seems to be coming from sub-space, but I also cannot pinpoint the source.  It seems to be. (alarm chimes again)  It has stopped, Captain.

Well, somebody's curious about us.  I wonder if it has anything to do with what we're looking for.  Better go to yellow alert to be safe. 

Aye, Captain.  Yellow alert. 

I've got something again, Captain.  Some sort of sub-space anomaly is forming.  Dead ahead. 

All stop.  Raise shields.

Brilliant white light flashes from the main view screen, bathing the Bridge.  Everyone squints and blocks light with their hands.

6   EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL)                                    6

In a bright flash of light, a radiant vessel appears in front of Voyager.

7   INT. Bridge                                                       7

(lowers arm as light fades) Harry, can you hail them? 

I don't have to, Captain.  They're hailing us.  Audio only.

Put it through.

GATEKEEPER (--over com)
(slow, deep voice) You are not of this domain, nor any realm at hand.  You have traveled far.

Yes.  Yes, we have.  This is the Federation Starship Voyager.  I am Captain Janeway.  We come in peace. 

GATEKEEPER (--over com)
In peace.

We are seeking the Keeper of the Gate of Tears.  Am I addressing him?

GATEKEEPER (--over com)
Keeper of the Gate.  I.

We were hoping to gain your help, Gatekeeper.  We were transported to this part of the galaxy against our will.  For some time now, we've been trying to get home, but as fast as we can go, it's still many years away.  We were told that your Gate can provide instantaneous passage across the galaxy.

GATEKEEPER (--over com)
Passage.  Home.

Yes.  We are seeking passage home.  Can you help us?

GATEKEEPER (--over com)
The Gate is at rest.  There is no passage.  But of the dust of stars.

Is there no way for us to pass?  Are you unable, or just unwilling, to help us?

GATEKEEPER (--over com)
Able.  I am.

Is it a matter of payment?  Is there some sort of cost?  A toll?

GATEKEEPER (--over com)
No cost.  Except for those beyond.

I don't understand.  You mean the cost is for those already on the other side?

GATEKEEPER (--over com)
If I let you pass, Captain Janeway, you may well effect great cost to those beyond.

I assure you, Gatekeeper, we are on a peaceful mission.  We will bring harm to no-one.  Not here and not beyond the Gate.

GATEKEEPER (--over com)
Your words are like those of the demons, as is your form.  Their words proved to be false.  Have I reason to think yours are otherwise?

Demons?  I don't know who you're referring to, but believe me, you have nothing to fear from us.  All we want is to get home.

(from behind Janeway) And that, Captain, is the only reason we are speaking now.

Janeway and Bridge crew turn to see a hooded figure standing by one of the turbo-lift doors.  It steps forward, lowers the hood, revealing an elderly human man.


Gatekeeper nods slightly.  Tuvok scans him with a tricorder.

Human, Captain.

Not human.  Not one of you.  I take this form so that I may better share your tongue.  I am thus. (gestures to image of vessel on main screen)

You're a machine.

As much a machine as are you the cells which compose these feeble bodies.

I meant no offense.  Welcome aboard the USS Voyager, Gatekeeper.  Thank you for hearing us.  Can I presume to think you will consider helping us to get home? 

Consider.  Yes.   May we speak more privately, Captain Janeway?

Of course.  Would you mind if my senior staff was present?  I have come to rely on their counsel.

Counsel.  As you wish.

Excellent.  We can talk in our briefing room.  Right this way.

Janeway walks into Briefing Room, Gatekeeper follows, along with senior staff.  CUT TO:

8   INT. Briefing Room                                                8

Staff sits around table. Janeway gestures to empty chair for Gatekeeper, but he ignores her and paces around room, circling table.

Please feel free to have a seat, Gatekeeper.

I wish to move about.  I have not taken corporal form in a very long time.  It is an interesting experience.

As you wish. (sits) So, please tell us, what can we do to win your approval to pass through your Gate?

(stopping to examine control panel on wall) Approval.  You have.

Oh?  That's good to hear.  Thank you.

You are not from here. You do not belong here. (passes open hand over view screen on panel.  Map of the galaxy appears.  Points to one side of it.) You are from hereThis is where you should be.

I couldn't agree more.  We call it the Alpha Quadrant. 

It is from whence the demons came.

Who are these demons to whom you refer? 

You will meet them.  If you go through the Gate.  They are here now (points to map), but they came from your home,  your Alpha Quadrant.

Can you be more precise? 

The Gates. (makes sweeping gesture with arm over map) The Gates interconnect the galaxy.  One leads to another, to another, and another.  Like rocks in a stream, one can hop from quadrant to quadrant, and cross the abyss in a matter of days.  My kind built the Gates to make such passage easy for all.  (shakes head) But we made it too easy.

So these demons came from the Alpha Quadrant through one of your Gates, and are now there (points to map), at the far edge of the Delta Quadrant? 

Yes.  Many years ago.  They came to us and pleaded for passage to safety.  They claimed they were being pursued and slaughtered by a great enemy, and that if they could not flee through the Gates, their race would be no more.  We took pity on them and we let them pass.  But once on the other side, the hunted became the hunters.  The demons have attacked and slaughtered gentle races indigenous to the area we sent them to, and those poor souls are now nearly extinct. (looks at hands) Their blood is on our hands.  We cannot stop the demons, nor force them back to whence they came, but thereafter we closed all the Gates, least such a tragedy befall yet another innocent people.

Perhaps we will be able to identify these demons of yours.  If they are from the Alpha Quadrant, I can't help but feel some responsibility for their actions.  If we are allowed to return home, we might be able to return with more of our kind and save these innocents you mention.

No.  No more interference.  No more passage for those who cannot cross by their own means.  The time of the Gates is over.  I am only offering you passage because you do not belong here.  I will offer you passage home, to set things right.  But I will do so only on this condition.  That you tell no one of the Gates, of how to find them, of how to use them.  And you must absolutely not allow anyone to pass through with you.  I am granting passage to you, and you alone.  Do you agree to these terms?

I guess that doesn't sound unreasonable.  A small price to pay to get home.  Very well, agreed.  Only Voyager shall pass, and no-one shall be told.

Good.  But I must warn you, Captain.  To get to your home, you must pass through two Gates, and the realm usurped by the demons lies between the two.

Can you tell us more about these demons, so that we can better prepare to fend them off?

I know little of them.  Only what I heard from those fleeing their tyranny before we shut the Gates.  They look like you.  But their technology and their weapons are inferior to yours, as is the speed of their ships.  You might be able to race by them to get to the second Gate.  Maybe.

Well, I hope they don't turn out to be humans.  That would be embarrassing.  Assuming we get past these demons, where in the Alpha Quadrant will this second Gate deposit us?

Here. (points to map, which zooms into a specific star system)

(astounded) That's the Racullex system, in the neutral zone, between the Federation and the Klingon Empire!  We have a station there now.  Deep Space Six.  I've never heard of any wormholes being detected in that vicinity.

It is hidden, but it is there.  The Keeper of that Gate will make it known only if and when it chooses.

When can we go?

Whenever you wish.  I have entered the exact coordinates of the second Gate into your computer.  I have also entered a code you can transmit to the second Gate, which will open it.  There is no Keeper there anymore.  I am now in charge of it.  It should take you about nine of your hours to cross the normal space between the Gates.  But to lessen the chance of it falling into the wrong hands, the code will expire twelve hours from the time you pass through the first Gate.  I have allowed for a few extra hours in case you are delayed. 

And what are the coordinates of the first Gate?


Gatekeeper gestures out window.  In the distance, beyond his vessel, a brilliant wormhole flashes into view.  Staff stands up and goes to window to look out at it.

(still looking out window) It's beautiful. Thank you, Gatekeeper, we really appreciate your

Janeway turns to look back into room, notices Gatekeeper is gone.  Rest of staff turns and notices also.

Good journey, Captain Janeway.   

(to self) I hope so. (aloud) You heard the, er,  man.  We have a journey ahead of us.  Anyone see a reason to put it off?

(gleeful) No, Ma'am!

Good!  Let's get to our posts, then.

Janeway gestures to door and they all quickly file out. Janeway follows.

9   INT. BRIDGE                                                       9

Staff takes their posts, relieving crew-members manning them.

Mister Kim, is the information the Gatekeeper promised in the computer?

Yes, Ma'am.  I have it right here.

Very good.  Mister Paris.  Take us into the Gate please.  One quarter impulse.

Aye-Aye, Captain.  One quarter impulse.  (taps panel)

10  EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL)                                   10

Voyager moves past Gatekeeper vessel, toward wormhole.

11  INT. BRIDGE                                                      11

Gaping maw of wormhole fills main view screen.

Five seconds to entry.  Four. Three. (Bridge starts to shake slightly)

Raise shields.  I want to be ready for whatever is on the other side of this thing.

Here we go!

Bright light flashes from view screen.  Crew squints and raises hands to block light.  Bridge shakes slightly.  Main screen shows brilliant colors flash by for a couple seconds, then another flash of bright light, and then normal stars appear.

We're through! I think.

Mister Kim, Can you tell where we are?  Anything unusual out there?

Just a moment, Captain.  Long range sensors are down.  Nothing on short range sensors, but they are only at forty percent.  They must have been affected by the wormhole.  I'm re-calibrating them now.

Make it quick, Harry.  If we really are in a land of demons, I don't want to be wandering around blind.

Defensive systems are enabled and ready, Captain.

Good.  Seven, why don't you get down to astro-metrics and see if you can't get a fix on (alarm sounds from Tuvok's panel)

I am detecting a sensor sweep.  We are being scanned, Captain.  With our sensors down, I cannot pinpoint the source.

I need those sensors, Harry.

Working on it, Captain!  I've just got to.  There!  I have short range sensors at one hundred percent.  I, oh-oh, wait a minute.  Captain, I have a ship de-cloaking, dead ahead!

On screen.

Main screen shows a Klingon D-7 K'T'inga cruiser materialize, facing Voyager head on.

(astounded) Klingons?


Hey, that's an old D-7 K'T'inga class cruiser!  They've been obsolete for decades.

They are locking weapons, Captain.

We're being hailed.

Put them through Harry.  On screen.

Klingon appears on main view screen.  He is not the usual ridge-headed type of Klingon, but the human-looking type from the original Star Trek series.

A Federation ship? Here? I never thought I'd see the day. You are far from home, humans.  I am Captain Gurok, and you may now consider yourselves under my authority.  You have trespassed the boundaries of the Restored Klingon Empire.  Lower your shields and prepare to be boarded, or you will be destroyed.

OFF Janeway's confused, but resolute, expression.